July 2012 Moms


Okay, let's hear 'em!


Here is mine.  I negatively judge the following people:

1. Parents who give small children soda.

2. People who attend a wedding and don't give a gift.  I understand that not everyone has money. However, I still judge you if you give NOTHING.  

3. Pregnant women who smoke and or drink (and I don't mean the "half glass of wine a week" drinker).  Even if they are trying to quit, I'm sorry but I still judge.

4. Parents with very naughty kids, I judge their every move

I am sure there are loads more, but these are the ones I have recently encountered and are fresh in my mind.... On an unrelated to FFFC note, Sunny put herself to sleep this morning after feeding.  I put her down awake and after some animated talking, she was out!  This is basically a first. Fist pump!  Didn't think it warranted it's own thread so I snuck it in here, lol. 

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