July 2012 Moms

BFing baby doll

Ok sorry I can't make it a link.

Any thoughts on the new BFing baby doll? I have to say I am among the group that finds it a little creepy for some reason. My sister has 3 girls then had a boy all BF. I think each of her girls imitated mom by pretending to bf a baby doll. Something very natural, but I understood when she felt like it was something she hoped they didn't do in public. Crazy right! Why do we sexualize BFing? Or should it be taboo? That said, I think the concept of providing a baby doll for kids with nursing moms is great, but I wish there wasn't a little bra thing required. And the cost is ridiculous.

ETA: I don't think it should be taboo, I meant more of a why does our culture seem to lean towards BFing being taboo in public.
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