Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Allen Presby VS Plano Presby


I'm not very far along but have already begun researching hospitals. I live in North Plano but am really closer to the Allen area. Has anyone given birth at Allen Presby or Plano Presby or knows someone who has so they can offer some help on choosing between the two?

 A friend of mine delivered at Allen about 2 years ago and she loved it. My sister in law is due to deliver at Plano in January. I know Allen is a lot smaller and lacks the level 3 NICU, but it's rated a 5 star "Baby friendly" hospital because of the efforts they make in bonding baby and mom immediately after birth, along with their excellent lactation specialists. So many things to think about... Again, any info or stories anyone can share would be greatly appreciated!!


Thank you in advance! =D 

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