Dads & Dads-to-be

first baby ended in mc... now what?

So my DH and I have been ttc our first baby for almost 4 years now... I have a DD from a previous relationship and my DH has raised her since we started dating when I was 3 months preggo... She doesn't know any different because that's daddy... Which is one of the many things I LOVE about him... We have been together for 8 years and married for almost 5. Last week we found out after almost 4 years of trying that we were finally pregnant and we were so excited that we told everyone... Well 3 days after that I had a mc and it was horrible for both of us. It has been a week since and now he is refusing to have sex with me and he said he isn't even sure if he can try for another baby. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to give up and I don't want to pressure him, I want to give him time to grieve and move beyond.... Do I just let him be and approach me when he's ready?
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TTC #2 since 2009 Have PCOS two close calls with letrozole and hcg trigger. Hoping 3rd time does the trick... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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