
FTM on the ledge.

LO is five weeks old. I'm BFing and allow myself to give him one 3 oz. bottle of formula per day to give myself a break if needed. Lately he's insatiable and I'm so scared he's not getting enough or I'm doing something wrong. I feel like something isn't right. If he's not sleeping or on my boob, he's bawling. I know he's got gas issues and I've been giving him either gas drops or gripe water when I know that's what's wrong.

He has enough wet/dirty diapers per day, but I still feel like I don't produce enough milk to make him happy.

Also, working moms, how do you handle pumping for childcare? This past weekend I started to create a stash, but I only have five storage bags in the freezer and they're only 1.5-2 ounces each. How do you know how much to send for a day's worth of feedings? Again, worried that it's not going to be enough. Advice?? Anything is appreciated!! Thank you!!!

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