July 2012 Moms

Advice needed (vent)

Up until the middle of October LO was a great sleeper and not getting up at all in the MOTN.  This was great as it was a nice bonus since she started it right as I returned to work.  Also our first month was horrible with her getting up every hour and sometimes 1/2 hour.  Now she has started getting up in the middle of the night, and I assumed it was just because she was hungry so I've been feeding her.  However, someone's post yesterday got me thinking that maybe she's not hungry.  So last night I just picked her up and she went right back to sleep.  She lasted an hour, and then was fussy again.  I comforted her in the crib and she lasted another hour.  After that I got frustrated and just brought her in bed with me and she slept for a 2 1/2.

She's not waking up to eat because she will go back to sleep right away.  I think she is waking up because I still swaddle her arms and between 1-3 she somehow realizes and tries to get out.  However, I've tried not swaddling them and she will only sleep for 1 hour incriments, and I get frustrated and put them back in so I can at least get a 5 hour stretch.  I've tried one arm out and both. 

The hard part for me is that I can't let her fuss for too long because we share a room.  We are in the middle of remodeling and her crib is across the room and if she fusses for too long my H btiches because it wakes him up.  I couldn't even consider trying to sleep train because he would never cooperate unless I have him sleep in the living room.

This is a lot of rambling and I just more or less wanted to get it off my chest, but if you have any advice that would be great.  Maybe I just need to try the arms unswaddled on a weekend and just not get any sleep and hope 2 nights is enough.  I play the paci game as well but that gets old and I don't want to create a monster by always having to be next to her to sleep.

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