July 2012 Moms

13hrs and Counting??!

So fiance just texted me asking me what I did to Austin last night because its 8am here and he is still sleeping!! I put him down at 7pm last night...13hrs holy cow!

I told him I didnt do anything different, did our normal bedtime routine so now I am worried, is it normal for them to sleep this long?  He only drank 4oz before bed so I can imagine he is going to be starving when he gets up but it just worries me now. 

I will say he hasn't slept straight for those 13hrs because when I was getting ready at 5:30 this morning I heard him in his crib "talking" to himself as he does every morning before he wakes up but by the time I was getting ready to leave he was back sound asleep.

I told fiance to enjoy it but in the back of my mind it just makes me worried, anyone else have this phenomenon happen?

(disclaimer : I am sorry to all of you mommies who still have babies waking up and this in by no means is ment to rub it in anyones face, I am just genuinely worried & need advice)

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Dating: 7.1.2008 Engaged: 11.25.11 Austin: 07.21.12 Wedding: 5.4.2013
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