
What does thrush feel like?

Can anyone describe to me what thrush feels like?

My breasts don't look any different and I can't see any white in LOs mouth, but when I feed I get a bad burning and tugging sensation in my breasts that lasts the whole feeding and after. They also seem much less full then they have until now. LO has been feeding every 12 hours today, sometimes less I fed her 3 times in 2 hours.

I'm dreading tonight because they're already hurting and I can't imagine constant feedings and no sleep on top of it.
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TTC since Feb 2010
?BFP #1- 7.03.10 Missed MC, d&c 8.9.10 (10 wks)?
?BFP #2- 12.16.10 Natural MC 12.25.10 (6 wks)?
?BFP #3- 2.19.12- Welcome baby girl! (Oct 26, 2012) ?
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