July 2012 Moms

Rough day with a crazy LO

So what in the heck is up with month 4?? I am hoping this is just a this week thing. She went from crying for no reason other than she just wanted to be in my line of sight at all times, to manic convulsions of excitement that included kicking and happy screams.

Did someone put crack in her formula?? She also has been up since 2:30pm and that is also very unlike her. She normally naps at least every two hours. Its almost 7pm. Thank goodness bedtime is right now and its DH's turn. I need a cocktail!

Anyone else's LO acting like a crazy person?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12 I guess October is my only fertile month ;)
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