July 2012 Moms

Bed without dinner = sad mummy

Tonight we did the usual routine, bath, pjs, feed around 8pm, then bed. I EBF but tonight she wouldn't eat at all! She just kept screaming and screaming every time I offered her the boob. Maybe she is in pain with teething but I'm not sure. We put her in her cot, but more screaming. (She usually goes to sleep by herself no problem). She only calmed down when we put her in the swing and then she immediately fell asleep. We have just transferred her to the cot now but I feel bad, the last time she ate was 5pm and I feel like she's gone to bed without dinner. She has screamed during eating before which is why I think it's the teething, but she usually always eats at least something. This time nothing. I know it's silly but I feel rejected, like she doesn't want my milk   :-(

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