September 2010 Moms

Ugh I had to do it - updated

I know everyone is sick of this election BS, but I had to finally tell someone how it is. Sort of. This is my cousins post of FB, not word for but the gist.

Cousin - With so much BS these lying politicians and weather men have been flinging Chris Christie has been telling the truth.  He is the only one you should trust or listen to.

Some airhead - Chris Christie was the governor of NJ i think. But he wasn't even in this election and didn't win - I think.

Me - No Chris Christie IS the governor of NJ and he IS awesome. 

I mean come here people. If your going to make a comment like that at least know what the hell you are saying. 


UPDATE: Some of us than chatted about him and further down her response was. "do I know I voted for Obama" I can't tell if she is failing at sarcasm or is just that stupid. Not to mention her incomplete sentences and lack of grammer bother the piss outta me!

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