
Bottle weaning

My LO is 13.5 months, and I am trying to wean her from bottles. She still wakes up to nurse about 2-5 times a night (closer to 5 lately, as I think she is cutting her molars). My problem is that I work overnight shifts for 9 days, then I'm off for 9 days. So, when I'm off, she can nurse as much as she wants overnight. But when I go back to work, I am at a loss as to what to do for the nights I'm not there. My frozen stash is almost gone, and she still wakes at night, expecting to eat.

 I don't want to wean her. But I do need to get her off the bottle. Any thoughts or suggestions?  I am thinking of having my husband offer her a cup of WCM, but I'm not sure if this will work.  

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