
Breastfeeding and in-law anxiety

When I gave birth to my first child I struggled with breastfeeding in the hospital (and eventually failed altogether b/c my supply dwindled). One factor that exacerbated my situation is that  MIL would come barging into the hospital room while I was trying to breastfeed and make comments such as ?wow, I never had the problems you did but guess everyone is different?. It created an incredible amount of anxiety and I cried about it often.

Flash-forward 2 years when my sister-in-law had her first child and I was appalled to note how MIL and the rest of the in-laws waited patiently and courteously for hours outside of her hospital room as she attempted breastfeeding. It was such a contrast to how I?d been treated.I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am the the daughter-in-law so I get treated differently.

I?m scheduled to have a C-section in a couple of weeks and I?m already stressed about MIL?s presence. She has already commented to me about how ?you should really make more of an effort to breastfeed this time?. I?ve shared my fears with hubby and asked if he would nicely ask her to give me some space when she comes to visit, but he noted that he?s hesitant to assert himself with his family b/c he normally doesn?t do so, and it would  create animosity/bad feelings during what should be a very happy time.

I don?t know what to do/what to say/how to handle this situation. What would you do if you were in my shoes? I just want to be relaxed b/c I know anxiety can affect my supply. But I?m having a hard time suppressing my anxiety about this issue.I feel like I just should just be able to ignore their reaction if they do take it badly when I tell them to give me space. But I can't. Help.

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