
low supply

I have a now 4 week old little girl who has been exclusively bf and being that she was sleeping, pooping and normally totally content baby I did not worry about her eating enough because she would feed every 2-3 hours. She was born weighing 7.10 discharged at 7.4 and at a weight check at the pediatrician 3 days later she was 6.10. So the doctor was worried as were we and wanted us to feed her every 1-2 hours which 3 days later she was back up to 7.2 .At 2 weeks old I got mastitis and was put on antibiotic for 10 days my supply tanked. Well at our 3 week check up she was still only 7.2 and doctor suggested I pump and bottle feed every feeding so we can know exactly how much shes eating. I did what she suggested and she ate every 2 hours 2 ounces and 4 days later she was up to 7.6 which was awesome. My problem is I'm pumping every 2 hours and I'm only getting 1.5-2.5 ounces every time. I can barley keep up with her and have had to supplement with formula which brakes my heart. I have no extra to store for when I go back to work! So I need help and suggestions on how to increase my supply. I assumed that the increase of pumping I would finally start producing more but almost a week later and still the same. Anyone else experienced this? It brakes my heart and pretty frustrating. I need her to gain enough weight for us to start back nursing some because I do miss it!
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