
BF baby keeps vomitting

My LO will be 2 weeks old tomorrow and has had projectile vomiting about 7 times since bringing him home. It usually always happens within 30 min after nursing and while we are burping. He is a pretty fast nurser (about 10 minutes on one side, never takes the 2nd side). I've tried stopping every couple of minutes to burp (which doesn't always end up in him burping), sitting him more upright while he nurses, and expressing some milk first before feeding. He has plenty of wet and dirty diapers!!  I called the nurse at my pedi today but we have an appointment tomorrow so she just told me to wait and speak with the doctor tomorrow but this is driving me crazy. It's been a really bad day, he has done it 3 times since midnight and my DH thinks I should just pump and feed him out the Dr. Browns bottles which makes me feel terrible like I'm doing something wrong. Anyone else dealt with this or have any suggestions?  TIA
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