

Hoping someone might be able to offer me some advice!


My son is nine days old today and we are hitting a bit of a snag in the breastfeeding area. Where I had been doing alright with minimal pain when breastfeeding it has turned to the point where I'm near tears every time I feed him, especially when he first latches.

He never makes it to the point of crying hard when I feed him. I try to pay attention to his other cues (sucking on his hand, smacking his lips), but as soon as I get him to latch it stings so much. The LC's at the hospital said that my latch looked good, so I'm not sure what could be causing the pain. 

He also has started having issues nursing at night. He will fight latching, even though I know he's hungry and ends up taking a hour to nurse him on both sides. 

 I'm at my wits end. I don't want to formula feed and I don't want to end up pumping so much again. I had to pump with my first due to complications when he was first born. 

 I just don't know what to do. Any advice on possible ways to cut down the pain or reasons why he might not be latching at night would be much appreciated. 



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Natural MC - 4/18/10 (9 weeks)
Gman was born six weeks early on December 18, 2010!
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