
Any BF-ing moms eliminate night feedings? (LO is 6mo)

At 6 1/2 mo., I'm trying to wean LO to bottle/formula just so I can get some sleep- but, of course, he'll take a bottle in the day- but not for night which is when it would be most beneficial so he (and I) can sleep thru the night.

Besides the associated issues- fights any bottle, plus he's not thrilled with formula - I was thinking, maybe I can eliminate night feedings if it's more habit of him waking, vs actual hunger. But- he does seem hungry each time- he chows and falls back asleep. 

Additional info- we are also already feeding 3x/day with solids. DS is up every 2 hours through the night like clockwork- back out the feedings, and that means we get 1 1/2 hr sleep bursts. At 6 1/2 mo, I'm seriously ready for some shut eye.

So- stick with weaning and/or try to eliminate night feedings?

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