
How much should I get from pumping

So my LO is a little over 2 months old and I've had multiple obstacles with BFing (supply issue, breast preference, latching issues, and milk protein intolerance so diary elim diet), and I'm beginning to feel like it's one thing after another.  It seems now that I am having supply issues again...

 Normal day for feeding is LO's last feeding is 11:30 at night and he sleeps until about 5 (so 5.5-6 hour break every night), and from then on he eats every 2 hours until about 6 when it seems like both of my breasts have just had it for the day and are barely giving him anything...he's getting to the point where he is so frustrated he will not even take the breast and we've been having to give him bottles of pumped milk (which I only get the chance to pump once or twice during the day, so I have no stash, he ends up eating what I pumped).  Basically from 6 until 10 he is upset and hungry and we have to give him pumped milk or formula when I don't have anything available pumped.

Today he ate at 5 am and 7 am from both breasts, and now I am trying to feed him from the left while pumping from the right for the remainder of the day to see what I am getting out.  So far I've been able to feed him from the left side at 10, 12, and 2 which he has passed out every time so I assume he is getting enough, and I pumped 2 oz at 10:30 and 1 oz at 2  from the right breast.  So between 10 to now I've only been able to pump 3 oz total from my right breast...does that sound right?  How much are you ladies getting from pumping?  Should I get up around 2 in the am to pump while he is still sleeping to increase my supply?  I just feel like I'm barely keeping up with what he needs now, I don't know how I'm going to be able to produce more when he starts drinking more...


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