
Where did my milk go?!?!

LO is ebf and 7.5 months old. I went back to work in August and my supply has been perfect. She was finicky over the weekend and starting over night last night she wouldn't nurse. Up at 1am and my milk wouldn't let down. She gave up and went back to sleep
Same thing at 5:30, 6:30, 7:15. I tried to stay very calm, rub her head and think of nothing but feeding her. Nada. My pump stays at school so I pumped as soon as I got there and got only 3oz. I know she takes at least 67 first thing in the morning and that's having nursed twice through the night. In doing my usual 11am pump when I get 68oz and I'm getting less than 3.
Help! I will up my H2O and take some fenugreek when I get home.
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