
Supply Question

Good Morning Ladies!  I am a FTM and my baby is almost 8 weeks old.  I went back to work almost two weeks ago.  I breastfeed when I am home and then I pump three times a day at work and whichever breast she doesn't eat from when I am at home.  I am finding that my supply doesn't seem to be meeting her demand during the day.  I pump both sides three times a day and she is eating more than that, but when I breastfeed her, she typically will only eat from one side and be done.  So, do I need to be doing something different when pumping to get more?  Or, should I ask the babysitter to give her less milk at each feeding.  Her weight is normal, not high or low, but I am just very fearful of not being able to keep up with her demand.  Also, we use a nipple shield, because she has latching issues, how can that affect my supply?  I have seen mention of it in postings and articles, but I can't find where it tells me why.  Sorry for all of the questions!  I just really want to keep breastfeeding as long as possible and I don't want to supplement with formula if there is something I can be doing to increase my supply or get more from pumping.  Thanks in advance!
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