

I'm a couple weeks late in writing this post, but...after 3.5 months, I am finally BFing pain free!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it, I honestly didn't think this day would ever come!  I had awful cracks and I tried everything to heal them and it just took all this time.  It was so painful, but I kept clinging to everyone's encouragement that it would get better. finally has!  And my oversupply seems to be getting better as well.  I am so excited because I really just wanted to make it to 6 months, but didn't know if I could.  Now I feel confident that I'll be able to make it to a full year!  

Thanks for your encouragement, and if you are feeling down about your really does get better!  If you really want to breastfeed, you can and it doesn't have to be painful forever! 

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