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Brag Post

My kid doesn't really sleep through the night. Never has. He's 22 months and when he was 18 months we turned his crib into a toddler bed. He hated the crib with a passion. He still won't fall asleep on his own in his bed. I usually read him stories and when he falls asleep I'll transfer him. Works pretty well and I enjoy the reading time. When he wakes up he'll wander into our room and we'll put him in with us. This usually happens around 3, but sometimes as early as 12. Sometimes we sleep ok, but a lot of times he'll sleep side ways and one of us will get kicked or bumped and we'll wake up a lot. It's not the best sleep.

Now to the brag part. He slept extra long in his bed last night. I slept from 11-5 hard. With no intereptions. This probably ranks in the top 10 of best nights sleep since he was born for me. He slept in his bed up to when I had to get up and take a shower at 6:30. At that point he woke up and went to find me. He followed me around and he drank some milk while I ate breakfast. I got him to get back in bed to cuddle with his mom before I left for work. I think he probably slept for another hour.

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