July 2012 Moms

Now That The Election Is Over...

I have to get something off my chest.

I've definitely contributed to the "nyah nyah" attitude of the Obama win but let me say thats probably not the right attitude. We had 4 yrs of people refusing to work together in Washington and it got us no where. I want EVERYONE, from Capitol Hill to your local neighborhoods, to WORK TOGETHER and stop fighting to prove their own points. The only people who suffer are the common people. Less finger-pointing and more holding hands, please. We will be much stronger as a unified country and it starts in small places--maybe even like on FB or message boards, (not that July '12 has a problem, we don't) etc.

Sorry.  I'm not trying to start a debate nor do I want this thread to turn into one, I just had to say it. I really hope people can put aside prejudices in Washington and do the right thing, whatever that may be.  Here's to hoping.

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