July 2012 Moms

My child won't nap

So DS has been fighting his evening nap the past few days. It takes me 30 min- 1 hr to get him to sleep if he falls asleep at all. Well today I started trying to put him down for a nap at 3pm, and I just now got him to stay down for more than 5 minutes (at 5pm). I broke down crying 3 times in the midst of it all. I never thought I'd say naps are the most frustrating part of motherhood but right now they are. Maybe it's bc im a control freak and one thing I know I cannot make him do is sleep. Ugh, ok, vent over. Thanks for listening. 
photo 61daa0ab-1331-48ad-954e-59ad63be3237_zps02c1eae6.jpg Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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