January 2013 Moms

some people have no filter {VENT}

The older paralegal in my office is driving me insane.  For the last month she has constantly commented on how big I am. "HUGE" has been used by her multiple times.  At first I laughed...then I started to correct "Actually he's measuring right on track, thanks."    Yesterday she said "I know you said he's measuring right on track, but that has to be wrong! You're really big!"

Seriously?  So I had my 28 week appointment today.  My fundal height was perfect, actually on the lower end of the 28 week measurement.  I joked with my doctor that I had been scared because of paralegal's comments, and Dr said I had nothing to worry about -everything looks great, I'm a STM with a short torso, people are going to say I look big even though I'm not.

SO I get back to the office and the first thing she says? "So he's big isn't he."
When I said "No, actually I'm measuring perfectly and on the low end of where we should be."
She goes "well that can't be right, I threw a shower for X who is due 1/9 and she's so much smaller than you."
Then proceeds to pull up the photos from the shower so she can compare our profiles, and declares that indeed, I am sooooo much bigger.  WTF...STFU already

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