July 2012 Moms

4 month check up shocker

So we just had O's 4 month check up and I left feeling totally confused/excited/guilty. Biggest shocker to me was that when I mentioned to our pedi (who I Love!) something about middle of the night feedings, he told me I don't need to feed him in the middle of the night. I guess I am just stupid, or maybe I just got so used to nursing on demand. The other shocker is that he mentioned I might want to try Ferber, since O just started crying in the MOTN for no reason and apparently I am 'training him' to do that! I had never planned on doing any sleep training, especially right now. Is 4 months too young to do this??! I know nothing about sleep training or Ferber. What I do know is that I would LOVE to get a better night's sleep. I am excited at the thought of getting him to sleep better, but a little nervous about the whole sleep training thing. I googled Ferber and just reading the description gave me heart palpitations, thinking about my little guy crying!! 

 I know I have seen lots of posts about Ferber and other sleep training methods. My main question is: how old were your LOs when you started? How did it work?? And were you as anxious as I am about everything that says I am going to scar him for life? Haha.

On another note, I thought I was putting O on his tummy for a TON of time during the day and felt great about it. He doesn't mind tummy time, and I think he's actually starting to like it. The Dr. told me I should have him on his tummy (or off the back of his head) 90% of his awake time. Definitely don't do that much!!! Wow. Do you all have your LOs off their back 90% of the time?! O has a tiny flat spot but according to the Dr. it's not bad at all.  

ETA: I hope the subject of this thread didn't make anyone think the shocker was something terrible! I was just shocked at the prospect of things that I had never really considered before...sorry if I deceived anyone haha! 

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