July 2012 Moms

I have to share this! (NBR)

Ok, so the celbrity question on the GTKY post reminded me of this story and I just have to share. It is not really PC, but its just too funny not to share.

So my mom (soft spoken, religious, conservative, very sheltered and naive) went to Las Vegas with my dad for a business trip. She was entering the elevator carrying all her poker chips and saw 2 large, intimidating looking black men on the elevator. Since she was alone and carrying her chips, she got a little nervous but knew she was being judgemental and proceeded to get on the elevator and just looked down at the ground and away from the 2 men.

One of the men suddenly says "hit the floor" and my mom went flying down to the ground panicked as if they were going to shoot her and sprawled out on the elevator floor and dropped all her chips. The men started cracking up and she realized he meant to hit the button for the floor she needed! She got up mortified, still refusing to look the men in the eye, and the men continued to crack up until she reached her floor and went to her room (the first room on the floor, so they saw her room number).

Later that night, when my parents returned to their room after dinner, there was a huge gift basket on the table with a note: "Thanks for the best laugh we've had in a long time!" Best part?? It was signed Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan!

AHHH! :) True Story.

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