
Does everyone's supply take a hit?

I think this is just more of a vent post and looking for others who can commiserate with me.  My LO is almost 9 months old, and I am just totally at my wits end with pumping/supply issues.

My LO seems perfectly happy when nursed on the weekends, but my supply sucks when it comes to pumping.  As a result, for the past 6 months since I've been back at work, I've had to pump 5x per day to make what LO eats while I'm gone.  Originally, I was sending about 12 oz of milk, but as she's gotten older and more mobile, she's needed more (not into solids at all!), and is now drinking 16 oz, and I just cannot keep up.  I pump about 10 oz per day and then can squeeze an additional 2 oz out if I pump right before I go to bed, so I'm still 4 oz short.  I was really hoping once she got older, she would eat more solids, and it would reduce the stress on pumping, but it's just gotten worse. 

I really really really want to drop that before bed pump.  I find it really annoying, and it very much interferes with me being able to really relax before bed.  I find myself constantly watching the clock to make sure I give myself enough time to pump, clean the parts, store the milk, etc. before I should go to bed, and some nights I'd rather just fall asleep when I'm tired. 

It seems like so many people are writing posts about supply issues around 8-9 months.  Why is that?  At what point is it not worth it anymore?  I pumped a grand total of 4 oz for my first two pumps today, which is barely enough for one bottle tomorrow.  Anyone out there pumping very little but sticking with it just to be able to nurse on the weekends?  Is it really worth it?  

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