July 2012 Moms

Good vibes if you've got 'em....

Short Version: 

I'm trying to stay positive, but I just wish there was something I could do to make my sweet baby not have to have eye surgery, and hearing loss, and blood draws every 6 months to check for leukemia and thyroid issues.  I think it's harder than I am normally willing to admit.

Long Version:

DD had her 4 month appt last week and got all her shots plus had blood drawn, so obviously that was no fun.  I saw the lab results last night online and a couple of them are abnormal - haven't heard yet from the doctor whether they are things to worry about or not (isn't that the curse of online access to lab results...).  I have sort of been googling which was obviously a huge mistake.  Anyway, I'm just nervous about that. If I don't get an email about it today I will call and ask.

In addition, DH and I had noticed that DD's right eye seems to drift in fairly often, and since she is at increased risk for various eye issues and supposed to be seen at 6 months we asked that she be seen sooner. Neither of the family doctors that we have seen noticed it, strangely enough.  We went yesterday and the eye doctor said she needs surgery because she is pretty severely cross eyed.  Realistically it's good to find out now while there's a way to fix it without having her brain sort of turn off the signal to one eye, but yeah... no fun.  Guess it's a good "go with your gut" thing... her eyes didn't seem right to us and apparently they aren't!  We scheduled her surgery for January, giving her a bit of time to try to fix it herself (unlikely, per the doctor).  In the meantime they said we can try patching alternate eyes to help avoid her brain choosing only one to use. UGH.

Oh yeah and we have another appointment with the ENT folks on Monday to check out her ears.  She can't really hear out of one of them - no surprise since we've been a couple of times, just sucks regardless.

CuteFeet1 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Cloth diapering, exclusively pumping SAHM to baby girl M, born 6/27/2012 with T21.
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