
Why is it so depressing!!

It?s so depressing watching my milk supply go down hill. Every since I started back to work I have slowly watched it deplete. I started getting 13oz a day down to 10oz a day and now I am down to 5oz ( one bottle for my LO ) pumping three times a day at work. I have completely blown through by freezer stash and by the end of the week I will have to supplement with formula and it makes me so sad. I really just wanted to make it to six months. I have tried everything I took fenugreek 4 pills 4 times a day for a week and it did nothing but, give LO bad gas. I was drinking mother?s milk tea 5 cups a day and it did nothing. I eat oatmeal every morning and NOTHING. I usually stop flowing 5 minutes in and keep pumping another 5 minutes to try to produce more and it is just not happening!! It makes me so sad!

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