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REAL MEN STAND UP Part 1 "Douche Chronicles"

Hey REAL DADS OUT THERE! (Sorry for this long post but i had to get this off my chest). This is vent that is directed at my douchs of a brother in law (wife's sister's husabnd). My sister in law and brother law started going out when they were 17, and weathered a lot of family issues. They got married in 2008 after 9 years of dating. 2 years later their first born arrived. My wife and I gave birth to our first 11 months later. 8 months after our first, they gave birth to their second, which they said was a mistake. Now here is where things get interesting. My brother in law is a narcisist who is extremely lazy and expects everything to be catered to him. My sister in law has and always been the bread winner. They never lived together until after they got married, because douche refused to get an apt with her but rather live with mommy until my sister in law manned up and bought a house. The 2 women in his life have always taken care of him. Between his mom and my sister in law, they have co-signed on student loans, personal loans, car notes, etc to help this so call man. There was always issues in their relationship but things made a turn for the worse after the first born arrived (although my wife and I believe it turned before they got married). He constantly would blame others for his issues. He would talk down to my sister in law and basically make her feel like she couldn't do better. She would bring home the paycheck, pay most of the bills, and still get no respect from the person that supposed to be her support system. So 6 months after their second was born, and after countless times to attempt to work on their relationship including multiple visits with a counselor, sister in law finally gave him his eviction notice. Now he has taken douchedom to an all time level. Instead of trying to work on his relationship and figure out what is wrong with the relationship, he decides to blame any and everyone who has any close contact with them. He moved back in with his parents. THe funniest, saddest, and most unbelievable comment that douche said to me was that he said "i know play a part in our issue, but its only 20% and 80% her!" I wanted to laugh and smack him atthe same time. what really makes me mad about the situation is now I have to pick up the slack for this douche. He seems to think by posting stuff on facebook saying things about your girls make you a dad. When really all you are looking for attention and people to give some type of warped justification for what they believe is you being a great dad! I will continue with story in a few days cus i can go on an on about this dude. I will need to give you the story in installments. Like i said in the title "REAL MEN STAND UP"
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