
legit reasons for a c section?

hi ladies! i have question about reasons for a c section. so i've heard of women getting them because their doc says the baby is very large, or has a large head, etc. but what exactly constitutes "too" large to be birthed vaginally?

the reason i ask is because both my fiance and i have big heads (its funny but totally true!) so it was no surprise when we learned that LO had a big noggin, too. Also not a surprise when we found out that she was large even for measuring a week ahead. well, my dr said that while growth can "even out" between now and my due date (which is still a ways away), i should go head and get used to the idea of there being a possibility they would want to do a c section if she continues to grow at the rate and in the proportion she is now.

also, i tested positive for gbs very early because it caused a severe uti, and was told i had a very severe colonization and was in a high risk catagory because of this. in passing, my dr said that there have been occasions where they chose to do a c section because vaginal colonization of the gbs bacteria was just so consistantly high through out pregnancy (even with taking oral antibiotics) that it was more risky to take the chance of a vaginal birth even with taking iv antibiotics during labor. this sounds like a bit much to me, but hey, im no doctor.

do these sound like legit reasons to have a c section? no one has said yet that i will have to have one for sure but it feels like everytime i have an appt they are trying to ease me into the idea so if and when they should decide a c section is best i wont freak out. if you made it though that whole post, i appreciate it! all input is greatly appreciated!

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