
How many oz for 6 months

I think J gets hungry and I get uncomfortable when I have more than 3 ounces per breast. Now that J sleeps through the night I know that I can have up to 5 or 6 per breast. I don't pump overnight. In the morning he'll drink 8 or so ounces and I'll pump the rest. Typically I don't let myself get that engorged during the day so he probably eats 5-6 ounces each of those times. This afternoon I fed him a bottle of BM and he ate 9 ounces! So my question is am I feeding him enough during the day with the 5-6 ounce feedings? He had a long nap and was distracted for a while afterward so it makes sense that he was hungry. Should I have forced him to eat on schedule so he wouldn't have wanted so much? So far I've just been going with the flow and reading his queues. I'm just worried as he gets older that the meals will be more spaced out and ill be uncomfortable. Or maybe I'm not feeding him enough in general.


Ps. He does get 30+ ounces per day.

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