
Domperidone and Milk Quality

Today my DD had her checkup with the doctor.  She is gaining well (she was a preemie) and looks great.  She is EBF by way of me EPing.  She is very healthy.  But then the doctor said something in passing that made me kind of upset.  She said that she knows I'm taking Domperidone/motilium, so I'm getting plenty of milk, but we're not sure of the *quality* of the milk I'm getting.  Now, I am a VERY strictly heatlhy eater, and take all the supplements I need.  We eat nearly all organic/grass-fed food and I'm very into health.  I'm pretty sure the quality of my milk is good!  Not that I've had it analyzed or anything.  But this comment was very upsetting to me.  Has anyone ever heard of motilium giving low-quality milk?  I really trust my LC, who has lots of satisfied clients, and she has never heard of this being an issue.  But I'm kind of upset here that the doctor would even say that to me.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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