
How Much To Give

Hello! I have been EBF for the past 4 1/2 months. I just returned to work and I am unsure how oz's I should be putting in my sons bottles. He typically eats 4 times throughout the day and 1 time overnight.  He also just started to get rice cereal.

  The first day I was gone I left 2 bottles of 4 oz. I was told he did good, but wanted to eat the 2nd bottle earlier than normal which was fine.  Today was my 2nd day gone and I left a 4 oz and a 5 oz and my husband was with him and said he seemed crankier than normal.  Both days at work I pumped approximately 4.5 ounces during my first session and almost 7 ounces during my second session.  Would you leave that same amount in a bottle for those times? 

 I thought I had read that you would get less via pump than baby eats so I didn't know if I should even be leaving more. Thanks for your help, I know this is trial and error but it is even harder since I'm not around to see how he reacts.   Thanks!

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