
Continued difficulty breastfeeding....

My baby is 17 days old and I've had great success breastfeeding up until about last week. At first she was just fussy when feeding from my left breast, but now she fusses on both breasts. I've been to a lactation consultant twice and mentioned it to my doctor last week....but it has gotten worse. She squirms and pulls off my nipple (ouch!), but will also start crying even with my nipple in her mouth. I've tried different positions, doing compressions, leaning back, holding her in different ways....nothing is helping. She sometimes has good feedings, but today every feeding was a struggle. I haven't introduced a pacifier and haven't given her a bottle. I'm wondering if something is wrong or perhaps she just wants to suck for comfort and doesn't want the milk? She still has lots of soiled diapers throughout the day.... 

 Anyways, I'm really discouraged and worried that something is wrong. It breaks my heart to think that she may not be getting what she needs. Anyone have any advice or ideas??  

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