
giving up...i think


DS1 was a nicu preemie and we didnt get the hang of bfing until 17 WEEKS. I eped for him until then. I swore up and down that i would not do that again if it came down to it.

Here i am now with an 11 day old little baby that bfing is again not going well with. He was born at 39 weeks, and from the beginning we had issues. Our issues have been the following: not latching at all, over supply, forceful letdown, not having success even with a nipple shield, overfeeding etc.

I have been pretty much eping since los birth, with the occasional successful bfing session using a nipple shield, after having hand expressed 4 oz minimum. I have met with an lc, called numerous hotlines, and rented a baby scale.

Every time i feel my milk let down, it brings tears to my eyes bc im discouraged. Then last night, at mils, sil tells me im overfeeding lo. Ive was bfing him and finishing him off with a bottle and he puked everywhere.

She is right. Today i fed him only bottles and he took significantly less when i fed him slowly.

I know my expectations are way too high, and that im over reacting, and that im slightly neurotic, but im also at my wits end. Im taking tomorrow off from trying bfing, and will try again weds. If it continues to stress me and baby out, i will pump a little while longer, but then im giving up.

Am i overlooking something here that might make this make more sense? Sorry for the long vent :
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