
EPing and gassy baby

I primarily EP, maybe nurse 1-2x a day right now if LO will allow.  LO has become so gassy over the last week or so.  I don't know if it's my diet (I haven't made any changes that I can think of), LO just being little and having an immuature tummy or what.  We use Dr. Brown bottles, gas drops, burping frequently, bicycles.

Sometimes LO will cry out and as I'm holding him, I can feel him pass gas.  After a fussy period - anywhere from 5-10 minutes to 45-60 minutes, he'll be fine for a while (like several hours).  I'm going to email my LC tonight and thought about calling the pedi's office tomorrow depending on what the LC says.  I remember DS1 being gassy but not sure if it was this bad.

Any thoughts or advice??  TIA 

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