
BF advice.

Hi there!

 I don't post on this board much mostly lurk at ideas and helpful hints.

Im pregnant and due in January with DD. I breastfed with DS for about 12 weeks. He latched on 1st shot and was a great eater. Then my supply continued to decrease and I thought DS was sick, always crying etc etc. In reality he was just hungry! FTM then, ya live and ya learn.

SO now I know what to look for and what to expect but Im so afraid I will fail at BF'ing DD and just looking for some helpful ideas. And what you found worked for you..

BF'ing and then pumping?
Strictly pumping?
Strictly BF'ing?

How to keep up supply?

Help! Im terrified. I want this to be a success. And I have set my goal to atleast 6 months of BF'ing hopefully more, but don't want to let myself and/or husband and DD down.

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