July 2012 Moms

MIL from you know where (long)

So, my MIL is visiting this weekend. As I have stated in multiple posts, she is BSC and thinks she knows everything about everything. Here is a small list I have complied of her ummm...unique...behaviors:

1. She has no boundaries. She waltzes in and out of our bedroom as if there is nothing wrong with that, whether we are in there or not, day or night. She even took it upon herself to reorganize underneath my bathroom sink while I was at work...that is private stuff in there!!

2. She thinks she knows LO better than I do although she has only spent maybe 6 days total with him ever. She likes to tell me what all his "signs" mean, as if I don't know. She is usually wrong anyway. She even has the gall to remind me to check his diaper every hour or so...annoying!!

3. Last night, I put LO to bed at 8, and then DH and I went for a quick trip to get icecream while she stayed home. When we returned 30 mins later I checked on LO and she had not only wrapped a rolled up blanket around his head in the crib, but she also turned his white noise down, turned off the projector, and turned his heater up full blast! It was scorching in there! Needless to say I put everything back how I had it and removed the blanket from his crib. He ended up sleeping pretty well that night and this morning she was like "It's because he needed softer noise and more heat. I knew my changes would help him sleep longer". I was like ummm... actually I changed everything back to how I have been doing it for the last 4 months, thank you.

4. She is addicted to pain killers (I think). We went to a huge festival type thing Saturday and she lost her bottle of pills and made us return like 3 hours later (Its a good 40 mins away) to try and find them. Needless to say, we couldn't, and she acted like her whole world was caving in! She then helped herself to my left over Percocet from my c-section (DH is in denial that she is addicted and told her she could)

Anywho, she is still here and is watching LO right now (with my sister there). She leaves tomorrow (thank goodness!) and the only plus side of this whole trip is that I have yet to catch her putting LO to her tit (if you didn't read my other post, I was legitimately afraid she would put him to her breast if he fussed!)

Thanks for reading my pointless vent. Consider yourselves lucky that you do not have my MIL. :)

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