
Tips for getting MY doc to do C/S (if I go early)?

I am currently scheduled for a C-section in a couple of weeks. But I?ve been exhibiting signs of early labor and am extremely worried that I might not make it to my scheduled date.

So my dilemma is that I only trust MY doc to do the C-section. This is a practice of 7 docs. I actually greatly dislike 2 of the docs in the practice and dread having either of them touch me.

Does anyone have tips/suggestions for how I can negotiate with my own, preferred doc, to have him come in if I do go into labor early, to do my section? Is this even possible? Right now I?ve repeatedly been told that ?all of the docs are perfectly capable of doing c-sections?. But that doesn?t sit well with me. There?s always variation in skills and abilities and I strongly believe my doctor is the best at what he does.

So what can I do to cut past the ?any doc can do a CS for you? and convince my doc to come in and do my section for me?

Thanks in advance for any advice. I?m pretty stressed about this. Which isn't helping me at this stage of my pregnancy!
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