July 2012 Moms

Hooray for "Me" Time

DH is a football coach, so basically from July-November I'm a single parent.  His season is over now (bad season, no playoffs) and as a gift to me yesterday after breakfast he said he's taking DS and headed to his parents for the rest of the day so I can have a day to myself! 

 I was so shocked didn't know what to do!  I actually spent the first 3 hours cleaning...i know, no fun..but i blasted my favorite tunes and got to stuff I'd been neglecting for months.  Then I got in a great workout, and spent the afternoon strolling through my favorite stores (and gasp...actually trying things on) and getting a pedi.  

By the time they got home I was missing them both a lot!  LO was zonked out so I held him for probably 30 mins before putting him in his crib then heading to bed myself.  I woke up this morning ready to tackle the world.  Hooray!



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