July 2012 Moms

freaky reaction to orajel

LO has seemed to be teething so we bought some "baby orajel naturals" and I put some on her gums today when she was really fussy. I then put her in her swing and she fell asleep almost right away. About 15 minutes later I noticed a red mark under her lip (I was across the room and could see it) so I said something to DH who happened to be walking right by her at that moment and he looked closer. He went and grabbed a flashlight and we both checked it out - it looked like a small blister and a burn mark!! It was pink like a burn and the skin was shiny too. Of course we both freaked out cause we had no idea how she could have gotten burnt! We wondered if maybe she scratched herself but it did not look like a scratch at all and it was quite big - the size of half a dime or a little bigger. But then 15 minutes later I checked her again and it was gone - completely! It was the strangest thing. I had to go to work but DH said when she woke up he checked her all over to see if she had any more of those marks, we were thinking it could have been an allergic reaction maybe.

It wasn't until tonight when we told my inlaws about it that we narrowed it down. Because I had given her the orajel right before she fell asleep, I remembered that she had spit a bit of it out and it was on her lip. She probably drooled like she has been doing and it dripped down onto her chin. Yikes, I can't believe it left a mark like that! Now I'm afraid to use it on her, so we'll probably just use tylenol now. Has anyone else found a good solution to help with the teething pain? I'm not too interested in using tablets either. 

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