
New Mom question!

Hi ladies!  I am so glad this board is here because I have so many questions on breast feeding and honestly as a FTM I am kind of stressing myself out sometimes worrying about if I am doing it right.

So here is my first question.  My little boy is a week old today and the past two nights has been eating really well around 11-12pm and then if I let him will sleep for 6-7 hours without waking up to eat.  Last night he finally woke up after 6.5 hours and the night before I woke him up after 6 hours.  Is this normal for such a small baby?  Do I need to be waking him up more frequently to feed? 

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Trying To Conceive since November 2009
Dx: PCOS and MFI
IUI#1-4 all BFN
IVF#1 January (4R, 4M, 1F)
Beta# 1 2/22=109!!, Beta# 2=241
June 5th: It's A Boy!!
Colt was born on 10/27 at 11:50pm. 6lbs and 19 1/4"


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