
XP: STTN and Engorgement

I posted this on the Sept. 12 board too.

I am EBF.  DS slept over 6 hours last night, which was a record for us and is wonderful in theory.  However, I woke up before he did because I was very engorged and was leaking a lot.  I had to change sleep bras and pajama top because they were so wet.  Will this continue if DS continues to sleep for longer periods?  Getting up to pump in the middle of the night seems to negate any benefit to LO to sleep longer. 

By the time DS woke up and wanted to eat, I was so engorged and the letdown was so forceful that he ended up spitting up a lot and not really eating that much.  I did end up pumping after he ate because I was still so full.

 I guess my question is whether my supply will eventually regulate itself so I won't get so engorged at night?  Or should I pump before going to bed to fully empty my breasts (I usually go to bed about 2 hours after DS's last feed)?  Any other advice?  
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