
Website about bf and meds?

When I took a BF class, I remember the LC talking about a website where you can enter in medications and find out if they are safe for bfing, what side effects might be, etc.

Does anyone know this site?

I'm currently one week post partum and I've developed a UTI. I have a lot of medicine allergies, so they prescribed me something I've never heard of. They said its safe if LO was full term, but that makes me nervous so I want to check it out. But I really need to do something to clear it up and get rid of the pain, so any help would be appreciated.
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TTC since Feb 2010
?BFP #1- 7.03.10 Missed MC, d&c 8.9.10 (10 wks)?
?BFP #2- 12.16.10 Natural MC 12.25.10 (6 wks)?
?BFP #3- 2.19.12- Welcome baby girl! (Oct 26, 2012) ?
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