July 2012 Moms

Wish Me Luck : Update

Well, I didnt get the job....it was between 3 of us already in the department and 3 externals.  I knew one of the others in my department and figured he was my biggest competition, I turned out to be right as he got the job.

Now the silver lining!  We have 3 people in my department in the position I applied for and we just found out a couple days ago another one got another job within the company and will be leaving as well. This means the job will be reposted to fill his now as well.  The bad part is I have to get through HR again, but my department head (that told me I didnt get it) seemed to hint around for me to reapply, so that is what I am going to do.

He did tell me in some aspects I ran circles around the guy who beat me, but I lack management experience, which he has, so he won over me in that sense.  He has also been in the department a bit longer than myself and actually trained me when I came to this department from another (although now he asks me questions lol)

Thanks for your good wishes and keep those fingers crossed this one is mine! Yes

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