Postpartum Depression

Jealousy and Anxiety

My daughter Adelynn is almost 4 months old. She is a wonderful little baby, happy, healthy, sleeps well.

My husband and I have been together for almost 8 yrs, and he is an incredible dad. He had more experience with babies than I did, and I was terrified to be a mother. I'm doing alright I think.

Lately though everything just feels off. I miss my husband. I love him so very much, and I'm almost jealous of his relationship with Adelynn. She just adores him, she fusses for me though and even this early in the game, you can tell she's daddy's girl. I feel guilty for even saying things like this because I know what a lucky woman I am to have such a great husband and father for my daughter.

I just can't help thinking that he's a better parent. My in laws are god awful and correct everything I say or do with her. I can't be near them I'm super defensive lately, I'm tired and irritable. I'm crying all the time, my hormones just feel like they are surging and I have everything I can do to try and control them. I'm trying like hell to adjust from being a wife to a mommy, and my husband seems to have gracefully taken on the daddy role. But I miss our intimacy :( And that makes me feel so selfish.
I love my Adelynn so much and I love our little family. I'm just not me anymore though. It feels like a constant internal battle in my head and I think I already know that I have to reach out to my OB.

Thank you all for listening, and being so supportive...

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