Dads & Dads-to-be

Daycare Sticker Shock!

So... My wife and I have been looking at all the different financial stuff regarding having this baby of ours, and I thought I was prepared, but now I'm not so sure! It made me wonder what people find for daycare prices.

Our situation involves my wife and I both working full time (I am attending school full-time as well, but will graduate before the baby comes), and our hours are very similar, so we will probably have to pay for daycare 9-9.5 hours a day, Monday through Friday. The daycare down the street from where I work is $2.75/hour, and I am guessing that isn't high since it's a non-profit daycare in a rural town of 800 people in Wisconsin. It makes me curious what daycare costs elsewhere! Let me know what you pay, and if you have any ideas to reduce that cost, please let me know! :)



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