July 2012 Moms

Such a sad sad story...NBR

Yesterday as I drove my kids to preschool there were 3 helicopters hanging out.  Come to find out right behind my kids school, a few blocks away from me, a mom stabbed her 7 year old son and the 5 year old girl she was babysitting on the 30th.  It's been breaking news since yesterday morning.  I had to drive past the house yesterday as it is my way to the cleaners.  I couldn't help it but I broke down and could not stop crying.  I had to pull over.  New reports are out that she killed her son to get back at her husband and had to kill the girl since she saw.  Crazy news here in Naperville!  

So so sad!  No mother should ever get that kind of phone call.  I am so shaken up by this whole thing.  I think it has to do with it is literally in my neighborhood and being a mother myself.

Please, if you can, send extra prayers to these 2 families.  How tragic.  

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